Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why take a multivitamin?

Providing over 25 essential compounds in one easy dose, a multivitamin “fills in the gaps” that you can’t provide every single day just with a well-balanced, healthy diet.

The discovery of vitamins in 1912 was a relatively recent event in the history of medicine, but it was also a revolutionary one, as doctors and scientists realized that many deadly diseases were in fact vitamin deficiencies. Suddenly, a simple vitamin supplement could cure such problems as scurvy, beriberi, rickets, pellagra, and xerophthalmia and night blindness.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is a more recently discovered, complex of symptoms that even at a very mild level can cause fatigue, depression and poor memory. At higher levels, it can cause more serious fatigue and memory impairment, along with irritability, depression and personality change.

Drawing on a century of research and advice from leading nutritionists, today’s multivitamins contain a well-researched blend of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that boost strength and offer other powerful advantages.

Today, the Harvard School of Public Health calls a daily multivitamin “a great nutrition insurance policy,” and we couldn’t agree more. Vitamin D alone, they say, “can lower the risk of colon and possibly many other cancers, as well as other chronic diseases.” Other prominent centers agree, recommending multivitamin/mineral supplements for an essential supply of vitamins and essential minerals needed to preserve health.

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